An attempt to remember the things (big and small) that matter most

I remember vividly driving over a bridge in Charleston in college: the wind swirling in around me from my open window, the smell of the marsh, the sun setting on my old red Ford station wagon "Eugena", sticky from dried sunscreen mixed with sand and sweat, and Natalie Merchant blaring "These are days to remember.." I thought, "These are the days I have lived for". It was sheer bliss.
Now, fast forward some years. I am a wife. I am a mother of 3. I live in Tennessee, via Alabama. So much has happened! So many sweet moments have passed through the years...but I really can't remember a lot of them. I gave up scrap booking with my dating relationships. I only journal when I'm sad (please remember this if I die and you find them..) or it moments of resolution. I take millions of pictures for my online album but rarely print them. And all the special "keepsakes" of my married life with children are thrown into rubbermaid containers (they are, at least, labeled). My only record of the funny things my kids say and do, insights discovered, or how the Lord has "connected the dots" in life, is found on my Facebook status. That. Is. Pathetic.
And thus, here is my record. A lame attempt (I am not a good writer, witty nor wise) to record the adventures found in the chaos of life. My goal is not so much that it be worth reading (especially by those who don't know me) but rather that it be remembered by a mom blessed by much, and still can't remember the grocery list to take to the store.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A fly on the wall- a few quotes

Here are a few things my kids have said that I don't want to forget. There are many more, but I have already forgotten them.

After visiting a couple antique stores on K’s day off A’s says to K, “Dad, can we go look at some other furniture stores? Can we go to Pottery Barn? I’m tired of looking a dirty furniture and stuff”

Watched a kindergartener do a juggling act in the lunch line today as she picked up her tray, milk, spork, napkin, pulled money out to pay the lunch lady, selected an ice cream, and finally emerged at the other side looking disoriented. She proclaimed, "This is INSANE!" Lunch lines are no joke for a five year old. (Friend’s Facebook status re:AG)

After expressing fears about what would happen at soccer practice, I told A, “You know it always helps me to remember that I have help from the Lord when I’m afraid. He tells us in the Bible, ‘don’t be afraid for I am with you’ and ‘do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow has enough worry of it’s own’.” A’s response: “Mom, are you making that up?”

“Mom, I know I just said something funny. Does that mean you’re going to put it on Facebook?”- AG

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