An attempt to remember the things (big and small) that matter most

I remember vividly driving over a bridge in Charleston in college: the wind swirling in around me from my open window, the smell of the marsh, the sun setting on my old red Ford station wagon "Eugena", sticky from dried sunscreen mixed with sand and sweat, and Natalie Merchant blaring "These are days to remember.." I thought, "These are the days I have lived for". It was sheer bliss.
Now, fast forward some years. I am a wife. I am a mother of 3. I live in Tennessee, via Alabama. So much has happened! So many sweet moments have passed through the years...but I really can't remember a lot of them. I gave up scrap booking with my dating relationships. I only journal when I'm sad (please remember this if I die and you find them..) or it moments of resolution. I take millions of pictures for my online album but rarely print them. And all the special "keepsakes" of my married life with children are thrown into rubbermaid containers (they are, at least, labeled). My only record of the funny things my kids say and do, insights discovered, or how the Lord has "connected the dots" in life, is found on my Facebook status. That. Is. Pathetic.
And thus, here is my record. A lame attempt (I am not a good writer, witty nor wise) to record the adventures found in the chaos of life. My goal is not so much that it be worth reading (especially by those who don't know me) but rather that it be remembered by a mom blessed by much, and still can't remember the grocery list to take to the store.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Clicking along- A basic update…

         Week two is almost through and things are going well. Our new pastor was installed on Sunday and my man has hit the ground running.  It’s exciting to see his wheels turning again and be passionate about the adventures that await.  It’s one of the things I love about him and attracted to me to him way back in the day.  He loves Jesus, teaching, and having fun.  And now after the holding pattern of the past few weeks, he (thus we) is jumping back in! 
AG LOVES LOVES LOVES school.  She is loving her teacher, her friends- old and new- and is most delighted about PE, buying lunch (?!) and learning to read.  She brought home some papers yesterday and told me sit down.  “I am now going to read this to you mom, are you ready?”  And shaking with delight as she held her “paper book” she read, “AM.  I am.  Sam am…I CAN READ! ” See?  It’s the little things- or words, like am- that make life so grand! She an A are also getting along famously. That is a HUGE relief after that first week. They are so happy to retreat to Polly Pocket and Pet Shop land after school. AG did announce to her friend on the way to school that her parents “let her drink beer” (what?!- wait don’t call DSS yet!) Then said it was ROOT beer and it’s made from roots and is bubbly, but can come in bottles like her dad’s “juice”. I can only imagine what she is telling kids at school.  She asked her principal at the Saturday workday on the grounds if he was a “wrestler” because he was” “big, hot, sweaty and had a bandana around his head”.
K now screams and points at “ma kool” whenever we pass where he goes to pre-school.  He also can’t get out of his car seat fast enough when they are getting him out of the car.  Thankfully, I am still greeted with screams of delight when we come to pick him up at the end of the day.  Like clockwork, the first thing he says when he gets in the car is “want nack”. I’m delighting that it’s now only 90 degrees, so he can once again be free to wander around the back yard, finding sticks and exploring on the hill. And so far, the mosquitoes haven’t carried him away yet either. He is officially all boy (besides being Ken’s mini-me) and gets SO dirty, sweaty and smelly- such a huge difference from the girls.
A and the lily pads (see the one she wanted to sit on

A and are both loving home school. It’s been a blessing to have opportunity to dialogue and discuss things as opposed to me telling her something  and her responding or visa versa.  We have a great little routine (she loves the “schedule”) and can get done with all our work in about 3 hours. Last week we learned about the scientific method and the Venn diagram- the highlight being going to Across the Pond (an outdoor store) and actually observing and investigating lily pads (as opposed to making one out of a Styrofoam plate).  She LOVED it…we put rocks on the lily pads to see how they would hold mass, and where is was best placed.  We did not damage any plant-life and only lost one rock.  They did have HUGE lily pads, that A could have fit on- and wanted to try.  But I told her that if it didn’t hold her up, she would kill the $1000 coi fish that were swimming below! She also loves Rousseau (“who never took a painting class!”) and loves the math (especially the supplemental games on the computer), and reading (we’re reading a short chapter book almost everyday).  Now handwriting will be our challenge. We are running out of room on the fridge for her to display her work of which she is most proud.  We did try and embrace the “flexibility” of our schedule and went for a walk with my man one morning too.  A and I agreed- as we thought it would be fun- not realizing that we were signing up for a 4 mile walk up and down hills and down the busy street nearby.  Poor A had to walk her bike (or it had to be pushed by her daddy) up several of the significant hills.   We made it!  But trying to get on task with school afterwards was like pushing mud. Obviously, we work best first thing in the morning. She has also become interested in the content of commercials (from a discussion on advertising) on TV and now asks me if every teenager we see “uses Proactive” on their skin…so much for study breaks!
            In consistency with my weaknesses in life, I am STILL not remembering as I should. Call it age, blame it on hormones, or “sometimers” (as opposed to altizimers), but it has had several causalities.  Whether it be forgetting to cook the brisket for my dear friends dinner party, putting the cereal in the fridge and the milk in the cabinet, or realizing I have a hair appointment 5 minutes before the fact, I have become ultra dependent on lists. And after seeing a commercial yesterday, I am going out this morning to buy those removable labels and double sticky post-it notes.  It will be my new twist on decorating my kitchen etc I am sure.  If I haven’t returned your phone call, forget to come to a party/shower, or miss soccer practice, just throw a “bless her heart” my way. And you may want to put a back up plan in place if you ARE counting on me, just in case.

Cookie Tuesday  cookie of the week: White Chocolate Chip Macadamia Nut

Book of the week: Jim and Casper Go to Church by Jim Henderson and Matt Casper
“Jim, if a stranger comes up to me and starts professing his faith, it’s easy- too easy- to say that dude’s nuts.  But when people take the time to tell me about themselves, give me the context for their story, give me names, places, and times, it makes a lot more sense”  (matt)

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