One of the many "rare" snows |
Call me of woman of good intentions. I INTENDED to write a semi-regular update of the happenings of life, the children, ah ha moments, and the like. But that was before I realized how exhausting life could become (in a good way) and how limited my “number of words to be expelled in a day” could become. I am finding that by the time dinner is over, I am all but counting the minutes until everyone is in bed asleep (hopefully WITHOUT me losing my temper, yelling, etc.). And just to prove how challenging this can be, bedtime has now been changed (earlier) to 7:30. It makes more a more pleasant evening with minimal meltdowns from the kids- and from mom. And there are no bedtime stories, or even prayers. Nope. That all has been re-assigned to earlier in the day. Sounds pathetic, but it too, was a necessity for peace. And for the most part it is working. I have also begun to resign myself to the reality that I am morphing from an energetic extrovert to a friendly introvert.
So in a nutshell, the holiday season was delightful. A great Thanksgiving with my man’s family, a magical Christmas with my folk s (and snow!)…January brought MORE snow and a trip to Puerto Rico for my man and me with friends (conviently DURING the week of snow days). Next came my man’s conference/retreat marathon- which lead to him being home maybe 5 days in the month that followed. But PHEW! We made it! The kids are bigger, the schedule continues to get busier (‘tis the season) and we are all still a happy, semi-healthy, family together once more.
A's latest Magazine Cover |
I am LOVING home schooling with A. I may even consider it for a year with all the kids once they get to second grade. It has been a sweet season to get to know her again, talk and process through the things she’s learning about life and relationships (that sounds weird..), and of course be excited about learning what she’s learning along with her. Truth be told, I think both of us will be excited when she returns to school next year. But I think we will both miss the time together. And now, I’m no longer afraid. Now I know I CAN home school if needed. I also have a new respect for parents that home school more than one at a time. Hats off to you, I don’t think I could do it. And if for some reason I DO find myself in that place down the line, I can guarantee I will NOT be able to even THINK about blogging, let alone doing ANYTHING that requires mental or emotional energy at the end of the day. A is quick with math (not my genes) and loves science. She’s been writing and illustrating, and reading a lot. We even finished our first Nancy Drew book. (Parts of which I had to explain, as a phones with a cord, a phone booth, and having to drive into town to call- no cell phone in a car- were all foreign to her. It was also funny trying to discuss encyclopedias with her. After explaining what they are and how to use them, she asked, “wouldn’t it just be easier to google it?”
All love-ly AG |
AG loves school and has continued to relish in the social perks of school. Anything she comes home talking about is relationally based- anything academic is merely an “oh and, by the way….”. Conversations are largely about who sat by whom at lunch, who likes who- including a marriage proposal (?), plans regarding future college roommates, and stories about some “mean boy who always tells me to move in the carpool pick-up line because he wants to sit by whoever I am sitting by”… I am most encouraged (and fearful) by AG’s HUGE, selfless heart. She genuinely cares for her friends. She’s helping them, encouraging them with her words (“kinda like a cheerleader, mom”), wants to include “new kids” in the games on the playground…She’s even started inviting teachers to come over to our house for cookie Tuesday! Of course, I see the glimmers of hurt to come as well, but I’m thankful she’s starting out sweet. I also know that she will be able to survive – as she still maintains feistiness at home! My favorite thing she is doing right now is wanting to pray for people- a kids in her class that can’t stop coughing, the bully boy in the carpool line- and she usually forgets till the last minute and adds it as a “PS” or “PSS” at the end of our prayers for dinner. Bet you thought that was only used in letters? Nope. Not at our house!
Post hair-cut- new hair on chin? |
K is still all boy: Curious but not mischievous, active but not wild. I say those statements tentatively as I don’t want to be to assumptive. He continues his funny comments, and is talking in paragraphs. This week he called me into his room because he couldn’t sleep because there was a “Turdle in this bed making noise”. I “removed” the turtle and put it in the bathroom. He paused for a minute and said he still heard “som-ting”. I told him it was probably the TV in my bedroom because I was folding laundry. He paused, and then said, “wait a minute, (favorite phrase) where’s My TB for MY room?!”. (Clever- not going to happen.) He gives kisses and hugs at bedtime (usually the only time) and will say, “one more time” more time”..several times each night, And although I am aware this has become a bedtime stalling technique, I do not care. Little boys become cool big boys that don’t kiss their moms- or hug them. I’m saving up for later! He gets muddy any chance he can- but hates being sticky. He uses the most napkins in our house. His newest hang up is shoes. He only wants to wear his cowboy boots out of the house but wants to wear a different pair every 10 minutes IN the house. HE SHOOTS EVERYTHING with “guns”. In the grocery store he was using a French loaf of bread from the cart. At the Greek restaurant, he used the wire holder that holds the table number, and in the back yard he uses sticks…He has been told to only shoot animals so he will yell “you are a _______ (insert animal), I shoot you! My man tried to say he could shoot monsters, but since Elmo and Cookie Monster, etc are the only monsters he knows, that backfired. I know that most mothers of boys know that my guidelines are all in vain. Boys will be boys. I know. I’m just doing what I can to ease my conscience. K is also a very talented air guitar player. He has played guitar on the likes of a seatbelt, a toothpaste box, a wooden spoon and an actual toy guitar. From Taylor Swift’s “Mean” to “ Jesus Loves Me” and “Mighty to Save”, he plays and sings. Who knows, maybe he’s the next Justin Bieber? (Just kidding!)
As for ah ha moments, I’ve read a few books, had a few thoughts, and moments of inspiration/conviction but I’m out of words... I’ll have to try again tomorrow, or the next day.
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